Song Arrangement & Melody
Some of the biggest obstacles when it comes to achieving a great song demo is perfecting the arrangement, melody, and tones of the song.
Song Arrangement is a service that we provide to help songwriters with the chord structure of their songs such as intros and ending. Instrument solos are also placed in the song.
1st, if you don’t play an instrument, you can send us an acapella tape with singing only, and we can arrange the chords to go with your melody
2nd, if you have chords to your song already, we offer help with the chord structure to make it flow better.
We will provide our professional advice that best fits the song, such as best tempo, arranging the chord structure, verse, chorus and bridge. You may want to check out my latest article on
(Song Arrangement Tips Key Ingredients To a Great Song) Download or email me.
$325.00 (one time charge)
Song Chord Arrangement and Melody Help
You may send a Cassette, MP3 or CD with singing only (without a musical instrument) or we can provide chord arrangement and melody.
Arrangement and Melody Service Includes
Professional Advice for your song: Tempo • Arranging the Chord Structure • Verse • Chorus • Bridge
Evaluate and resolve issues like overbearing leads and excessive notes, as well as arrangement and tonal problems
One Time Charge of the arrangement you own all the rights to the arrangement 100%
Arrangements can take up to a week depending on our schedule
You can send a tape ,mp3 or CD with singing only send lyrics and any notes for us.. No musical instrument required.
Note: This is only the rough arrangement not a demo, you can choose from one of our songwriter demo packages on the services page.
Note: Backwoods Studio will not take any royalties regarding your song you have all rights to all your own material that is done at our studio. We are work for hire only.